Sunday, March 20, 2011

"The Sermon" 1993 oil painting 30x40"

Welcome to the jungle, a place called hell. I'm on your radio waves pollution free with no drugs allowed. This is your man, the main man, Muhammad MF on some new improved sh- with PE dropping "Lost at Birth" in the background. CLEAR THE WAY!-For this is the Sermon. Some might call it a declaration of war. Some might say it's a call to arms. The war to bring about the fall of the Evil Empire is upon us. Let us talk about revolution. Time to start. The time is now. So let us start with attitude. That is United States. As we affect this nation we affect the world. Yes, we are here today not for form or fashion. We are here to walk the walk, talk the talk. We don't come here to justify our vices. Bring us closer to God. The same God that gave strength to Marcus, Malcolm, Martin, Mandela. We are here for understanding. Not who we struggle against but, what we struggle against. Attitude, Culture, Civilization, the Metropolis. Why?